A number of activities will help with PRPA's resource planning efforts

Resources and Planning

Events in 2015 provided an opportunity for Platte River to shift focus from simply diversifying its energy supply portfolio to taking a broader look at all aspects of generation resource management. In August 2015, Platte River’s Board of Directors met during a work session to discuss resource planning and management. A result of this work session was to replace historical resource planning guidelines with a new statement of direction: Platte River Power Authority employs an adaptive strategy to cost-effectively maintain reliability, manage risks, and ensure regulatory compliance.The new statement of direction provides staff with more flexibility on recommending future resource actions, and also directs Platte River to position itself to comply with the Clean Power Plan (CPP), with the potential to do more if cost-effective.

In 2015, Platte River’s Board of Directors approved the following activities that will help support Platte River’s future resource planning efforts:

  • Continued expansion of energy efficiency programs
  • Development of a strategy for exiting ownership of Craig Unit 1
  • Development of a demand response pilot program
  • Collaborative efforts related to distributed resources